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Definition of common terms used in SRE

UPI - Unique Personal Identifier. Your username/login (e.g., jsmi123)

Data ingress – Data (files or folders) which are brought into SRE from outside. These are done through requests and the person who vets these requests is called an Ingress Approver.

Data egress - Data (files or folders) which are taken out of the SRE. These are also done through requests and the person who vets these requests is called an Egress Approver.

Virtual desktop - A virtual desktop is a software computing platform with apps, tools and data that is accessible from multiple devices and locations over a network.

Airlock – An intermediate secure area where data resides waiting to be vetted before it moves in or out of the SRE.

VPN - Virtual Private Network establish a secure connection from outside the University to our network. This means the data passing between your computer and the University network is protected, as it is strongly encrypted.

For more info, go to uoa-vpn-service

Read-write permission - Grants the user ability to view and modify a file includes creating files, deleting files, and renaming files.

Read-only permissions - Grants the user ability only to view and read a file.

MFA - Multi-factor authentication, or MFA, is a security process that helps verify users' identities before letting them access networks or online applications.

Authy – Authy is an app used to generate the time-dependent six-digit code needed for access to University online services. The prompt for the code will appear after the username and password screen of the University online service you are trying to access. When the prompt appears, open Authy on your mobile device and enter the code that appears.

For more info, please check out two-factor-authentication-authy