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Example Codelab

This guide shows you what a Codelab os.

1. Getting started

One-time Setup

  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd into newly cloned repo
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run ./ ( ) or .\update.ps1 ()

Mkdocs Requirements

In mkdocs.yml, have the required properties:

  name: material
  custom_dir: codelab

  - attr_list
  - pymdownx.superfences

Create a bare minimum docs/*.md codelab page:

codelab: true

# My Lab's Title

## This becomes Step 1

Hello world instructions for Task 1

## This becomes Step 2

Blah blah for Task 2

By default, the codelab considers the H2 heading as a new step. Content under a ## (Heading 2) until the next H2 is considered a step.

2. YAML frontmatter

Explicitly set a title, author, report link and date. The date can also be rendered with git revision date.

title: Example Workshop
author: "Anonymous Penguin"
revision_date: 2022-01-10
codelab: true
description: |
  This section takes **markdown.** It's part of the introductory header.

  Hello! Lorem Ipsum

## This becomes Step 1

Hello world

## This becomes Step 2

Blah blah

There is an optional description field which lets you put an introduction at the top of a codelab.

Hide tabs

If the tabs feature enabled, you can hide tabs on a particular page:

  - tabs

3. Mkdocs Configuration

In mkdocs.yml:

  name: material # Mkdocs Material is the base theme
  custom_dir: codelab # folder to overrides, in this case 'codelab'
  report_bugs: # url for the Bug Report button
  global: true # default false

  - search
  - codelab:
      auto_number: true # Whether to auto-number sections
      delimiter: 'h2'
Property Description
global If enabled, then all pages will have the codelab theme, unless codelab: false frontmatter property is specified. By default this option is false.
report_bugs Set the default URL for Report a Mistake.
auto_number Headings will automatically be numbered, and wrong numbers will be corrected according to their logical order.
delimiter A CSS selector to segregate steps in the stepper. By default \<h2>, or in markdown, the double pound ## Heading is the delimiter.


Exclude a page from the Codelab Theme by setting codelab to false in the page's frontmatter:

title: This page isn't a lab
codelab: false
report_bugs: '' # this will override the link set in the config file

Hello everyone...

Set a custom delimiter

Make sure to include the attr_list Markdown extension.

  - attr_list

  - search
  - codelab:
      delimieter: '[step]'

Then in a markdown page, assign attributes to a heading.

codelab: true
author: Anonymous Penguin

# My Lab's Title

## This becomes Step 1 { step }

Hello world

## This becomes Step 2 { step }

Blah blah

# This doesn't count

Using more than one H1 is not recommended, but the plugin can handle it.

## This doesn't count

Just in case

## Here is another step { step=3 }

This will be step 3

Only the headings marked with { step } will become steps in the tracker:

This becomes Step 1, This becomes Step 2, Here is another step are steps

Additional examples:

  - codelab:
      delimiter: '.my-class'
codelab: true
author: Anonymous Penguin
title: My Lab

## This becomes Step 1 { .my-class }

Hello world

### This becomes Step 2 { .my-class }

1. Text and list items won't count as a heading or a step.
  { .my-class }
2. Substep
3. Substep
  - codelab:
      delimiter: ''
codelab: true
author: Anonymous Penguin
title: My Lab

## This becomes Step 1 { .my-class }

Hello world

## This becomes Step 2 { .my-class }

Blah blah

### H3 won't be a step { .my-class }
  - codelab:
      delimiter: '[duration]'
codelab: true
author: Anonymous Penguin
title: My Lab

## This becomes Step 1 { duration=1:00 }

Hello world

## This becomes Step 2 { duration=5:00:00 }

Blah blah

# This becomes Step 3 { duration=6:00 }

Using more than one H1 is not recommended, but the plugin can handle it.
  - codelab:
      delimiter: 'h2, [step], [duration]'
codelab: true
author: Anonymous Penguin
title: My Lab

## This becomes a step

Hello world

### This becomes a step { step }

Hello world

### This becomes a step { duration=6:00 }

Hello world

4. Duration calculated

Optional: set the duration attribute for steps to calculate the estimated time.

## Wash the dishes { duration="10:00" }


You can set durations for list items and paragraphs, too.

## Wash the dishes

1. Grab a towel.
    { duration=1:00 }
2. Run it around the rim.
    {duration=1:00 }

Optional: Grab Barkeeper's Friend and some gloves for powerwashing tea stains.
{ duration=5:00 }

Note that all durations will be added together, so the step duration is not needed.

5. Finishing touches


The theme is configured to have a print version. Press Ctrl+P to take a look.
