Two-factor authentication (aka 2-step authentication)
If you're familiar with 2FA, you can directly go to this direct link and activate Google Authenticator.
What is 2-factor authentication¶
Please refer to : What is 2-factor authentication
When do you need to use 2-factor authentication:¶
If you have sudo privileges on a Linux VM you need to log in through 2-factor authentication. Otherwise you can login with your University password.
How to set up 2-factor authentication:¶
Everybody can use Google Authenticator (phone app) or Authy to provide the 2nd factor.
Setting up Google Authenticator:¶
Setting up Authy:¶
How to use 2-factor authentication:¶
Instead of just typing your password you have to type
, where token is provided by pressing the YubiKey or typing the 6- or 7-digit number provided by the Google Authenticator app on your phone.