Title/recipe name - Short, and task orientated

Introduction - heading and text block to orientate the user, provide an intial mental model. may inclide images.

Headings - Informative subgoals 2 levels - Goal, subgoal

Step 1

Also Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Note - supplimentary information (non critical) that immediately follows a step or substep. heading with text and/or image.

Caution - Warning info that may preceed or immediately follow a step or substep. Heading with text and/or image.

Figure - image that shows graphical instruction or locations

Figure caption - text, numbered… title and description for figure.

Code fragment -

def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.

@echo - the text a user should type (almost exactly) into the terminal/window @echo variable - the text a user needs to type, but substitite with their own local information (username etc..)

Table - self explanatory. html can do this.

Table caption - self explanatory.


License . CC snippet to contain licence text, image, link.

Author . Name, link, @handle
Version . date, v, (datetime, text field)

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